Educational character consultation

Arrangements for obtaining view of staff and students on the educational character and mission of the College

The College is constantly improving and evolving mechanisms for engagement and consultation with both staff and students. Whilst there are both staff and student representatives on the Local Governing Body, there are also arrangements in place to obtain the views of staff and students on matters that affect them and to ensure that they are aware of the routes through which they can share their views.

This page is intended to set out the arrangements for consulting with students and staff at the College on the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the College and the oversight of its activities.

Consultation with students:

The student voice is at the heart of the College’s decision making and quality assurance processes. Students are consulted via the following means:

–       Student focus groups

–       The Students Union

–       Student surveys

–       Student meetings with the Local Governing Body

–       Principal’s meetings with the Student Union

Consultation with staff:

–       Staff surveys

–       Principal’s briefings

–       Principal’s meetings with teams

–       Meetings with recognised trade unions and professional associations

–       Staff meetings

–       College leadership team meetings

–       Staff development days

–       Staff focus groups

Staff and Student Governors:

Two staff and two student governors are elected to the Local Governing Body. They bring an important perspective to Board and committee discussions and decision making. While governors in their own right, staff and student governors provide a vital perspective on the collective views and experience of students and staff at the College.

Local Governing Body:

The Local Governing Body takes into account the outcome of the collective feedback received from the ongoing engagement with students and staff to inform its decision making with regard to its responsibilities to review the educational character, mission, values and strategic priorities of the College and to monitor the performance of all aspects of the College’s provision including financial performance and outcomes for learners.