Applied Science

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Applied Science is the study of Biology, Chemistry and Physics but with a greater focus on how skills in each are used and applied in various real-world scenarios, job sectors and industries. This is a Level 3 Extended Certificate BTEC.

Exam Board


Entry Requirements

GCSE grade 5-5 in Combined Science or a grade 5 in subject (if studied as a separate science) and a grade 4 in Maths.

Any student entering the course who has achieved a grade 4 or 5 in Maths will be required to study the Core Maths programme in Year 12. If you achieve a grade 6 or above, you will not be required to study Core Maths.


  • 50% Exams
  • 50% Coursework
About this course FAQs An introduction to Applied Science Pathways Information

What is Applied Science?

Applied Science is the study of Biology, Chemistry and Physics but with a greater focus on how skills in each are used and applied in various real-world scenarios, job sectors and industries. The BTEC Applied Science is equivalent to a full A level.


What will I study?

You will study four units. Unit 1 is the Principles of Science and will cover content from A levels in all three science subjects. Unit 2 focuses on Scientific Procedures, assessing practical and experimental techniques. Unit 3 covers Investigation Skills and will assess your ability to plan and carry out rigorous scientific investigations. Unit 4 is the study of Human Physiology and Body Systems. You will be assessed via both coursework and exam.



Unit 1 is assessed via formal examinations. You will first take these in May of Year 12, but you will have the option to resit these exams on two further occasions in Year 13.

Unit 2 is assessed via completion of four pieces of practical coursework. These pieces of work will be internally assessed by your teachers.

Unit 3 is assessed by formal examination at the end of Year 13.

Unit 4 is assessed via completion of three pieces of coursework, internally assessed by your teachers.


Trips, Visits and Enrichments:

  • Visit to the Forensics and Applied Science Department at University of Worcester
  • Practical ecology fieldwork at a local wildlife reserve


What Could it Lead To?

Applied Science is studied alongside two other A levels and students’ progress to university or to take further professional qualifications.


What do students from this course go on to do?
Most of our students go on to study science-based courses at universities. The primary areas of study are courses allied to healthcare, forensic science, sports science, criminology, or engineering. Some students have gone on to apprenticeships in radiocommunications and chemical analytics.
How does the difficulty of BTEC Applied Science compare to A level sciences?
The difficulty of the theoretical content studied in the examined units is broadly the same as for A level courses. The Applied Science course covers more breadth across the three sciences than individual A level sciences, with slightly less depth in some areas.
How well is BTEC Applied Science recognised by universities compared to A levels?
The BTEC Applied Science is widely recognised across a wide range of universities nationally for a range of courses. Most degrees have both A level and BTEC equivalent entry requirements.
Can I study BTEC Applied Science alongside science A levels?
We discourage students from doing this if they are planning to go on to university, as many degree courses operate exclusion rules for these combinations, as some of the topics are common between the courses.

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