GCSE grade 6 in either English Language, English Literature or History.
Modern History covers the period from the Eighteenth Century until our own lifetimes, and in the A level course at King Edward’s we examine challenges and changes in Britain, America and Russia.
The modern history course is divided into four units.
The British unit, ‘England and a New Century’ covers changes in society between 1900 and 1951. This includes the development of the welfare state from Old Age Pensions to unemployment benefits and the establishment of the NHS; changing attitudes to poverty, education and the role of women; and the impact of two world wars and the rise of the Labour movement on the government of Britain.
In ‘The American Revolution’ we examine two key questions: how did Britain lose control of the American colonies between 1740 and 1781 and how far does the establishment of the American Constitution confirm the USA’s claim to be the home of democracy? This involves the study of the revolutionary war against Britain, conflicts amongst the Americans about the making of the USA, and the leadership of George Washington as the first US President up to 1796.
The Modern History thematic study is ‘Russia and its Rulers’, in which we take a long-term look at the state of Russia and ask why and how it moved from the autocracy of the Tsars to the dictatorship of Stalin, and what developments took place in the Russian social and economic order across the whole period from 1855 to 1964. We’ll cover the Russian Empire, the causes of the 1917 revolutions, the ideals of the Communists and the reality of Stalin’s Purges. Lastly, we’ll examine the effects on Russia of the two world wars and the Cold War, culminating in the Cuban missile crisis.
The final unit is an independent research essay from a selection of titles offered to you.
Unit One: British History 1900-1951 this will be assessed by a written examination of one hour and thirty minutes. There will be one source question and one essay question to answer. This is 25% of the A level.
Unit Two: American History 1740-1796 this will be assessed by a written examination of one hour there will be two essay question on this paper. This is 15% of the A level.
Unit Three: Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 this will be assessed by a written examination of two hours and 30 minutes. There will be an interpretation question and two thematic questions to answer. This is 40% of the A level.
Unit Four: Coursework is an essay based on the content from the British unit. This will assess the skills that you have already developed in the other units. Coursework will be submitted in Year 13.
History is a course highly regarded by universities and is a recognised route into a wide range of careers. History develops your ability to weigh up information, evidence and ideas, critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your own ideas and those of others, and then express and develop those opinions in writing and in discussion. As a preparation for the professions, especially law, the civil service, politics, journalism and the media, History is highly regarded.
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