Programme of study

Our students follow a study programme that encompasses more than their academic subjects. All elements are important for a student’s journey over the two years to prepare them for life beyond the college.

Core academic content

All students initial study programme will have a substantial academic content. This will be at least three A levels or their equivalent.

Tutorial programme

All students will be part of a tutor group where character, skills, attitudes and confidence are developed and progression is supported. The tutorial will develop core competencies to support learning and progression.


All students will complete the Future-Mapping at King Ed’s programme throughout their 2 year at college. FutureMaKE prepares students for their studies and supports students to make well informed decisions about their future. FutureMaKE forms a spine for students’ college experience, so that they develop good and ambitious plans for their future lives, and that the work they are doing in and out of classes is getting them where they need to be.


Other non-qualification opportunities where skills are developed and interests followed. For students with the highest average GCSE scores; this will also include Aspire sessions to ensure high aspirations and support applications to competitive universities & apprenticeship courses.

Meaningful Employer Engagement

All students will have the opportunity to engage with employers through the curriculum and develop their skills in a working environment through a work experience placement.

GCSE English and Maths

Students without a grade 4 in GCSE English or maths will have this as a compulsory element of their programme. Other students may wish to add either of these to improve their grade.

Core Maths

Students with a grade 5 in GCSE Maths studying Geography, Economics, Accounting and Psychology or students with a grade 6 in GCSE Maths studying Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science will have this as a compulsory element of their programme unless they are also studying A Level Maths/Statistics.

This one-year qualification builds on a students GCSE maths knowledge, focusing on developing problem-solving skills and enhancing their ability to communicate mathematical ideas in areas such as statistics, finance, and estimation. The course carries a maximum of 20 UCAS points and requires a minimum of a GCSE grade 5 in maths for entry.

You will find a copy of our Programme of Study policy here.