A level results day

18/08/2022 |
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A level results day


Collection on campus from 8.00 am (results are also released via email from 8.00 am).

We strongly encourage you to collect your A-level results in person on campus, from 8.00 am in Hayley Hall. Staff will be on hand to help you with any issues and to advise on what to do if you have missed the grades required for your chosen progression path. We have a large team assembled to help with UCAS clearing and UCAS adjustment, apprenticeships, other types of courses and general careers advice and we will have members of our counselling team on hand too.

For more information please visit our ‘Exams‘ page.

Our exams team will be on hand to offer the full range of post-results services where you can have a copy of your script back, get a clerical check or even get your paper remarked. More information on these services and the costs involved will be communicated in August.

If you need support with your progression plans and you are unable to visit campus, please email

If you decide to collect your results from campus on this day, there will be an opportunity to take pictures with your friends.

Return of books and other loaned college equipment

Please return books and other equipment to the relevant departments during the examination period (May-June). Please clearly label any books/equipment with your name. Thank you in advance for your cooperation as this will help us pass the necessary resources to students in September. We ask you to note that we will invoice individuals for any materials that are not returned.

Keep in touch

We would like to hear from you in the future and to learn of your new ventures. From time to time, we seek help from our former students to help guide our current cohort as they plan their next steps. If, at any point next year or in the future, you would like to talk to our current students about your experiences and achievements, whether you are at university, on an apprenticeship or in employment, we would love to hear from you. Sharing your experiences as you go through life would be invaluable to our future students. We warmly encourage you to offer your support at any point in the future by completing this online webform

