On the 16th of June 2023 my politics class (as well as others) had the amazing opportunity to listen to a brief talk and a Q&A from former Perry Barr MP and now member of the House of Lords, Lord Jeff Rooker.
The initial beginning of the seminar began with a talk which outlined the amount of representation which the British public get through the House of Commons and the House of Lords (like how around 21% of members in the House of Lords are women), as well as the exact legislative process which allows for bills to be enacted into law. Despite many of us having prior knowledge to this, the brief walk through the running’s of both Houses from a prior and active member provided an in depth and insightful perspective of how demanding the process itself is like- providing a great overview to our previous learning.
After this, we had the oppurtunity to ask specific questions which happened to be of interest to Lord Rooker, ranging from whether a 1997 style majority would ever be achieved again to issues with Russian interference in elections and how to identify and challenge such actions. Through this Q&A many of us were able to not only ask questions which would assist our direct learning and understanding of the system of politics, but also our own connections to the subject and what draws in our individual intrigue to it. Not only that, but it also allowed us to understand that despite being a representative for the Labour party, that there are still difference in opinion and how the party itself has evolved to allow for the party to represent a growing and evolving demographic.
Not only was this opportunity something which was eye opening for many, but it also presented a bridge between the ways in which we learn about politics and how that translates into the day-to-day lives of many.
Written by Shweta