Subject Assessment 2 Report Card
Year 12 students and parents/guardians will receive their SA2 report card towards the end of March.
Report Card | |
Attendance | Year to date attendance |
Attitude to work | There are four categories here; Excellent, Good, Inconsistent and Unsatisfactory. This will include attitude to learning in lessons, completion of work and general attitude to learning within the subject. |
‘Working at’ grade | ‘Working at’ grade gives an indication of what students are currently achieving, based on most recent assessed work. |
Working Towards grade | ‘Working towards’ grade gives an indication of what students are likely to achieve at the end of the course |
Target grade | Target grades are calculated for each student individually using their GCSE scores. Using national data provided by the government we can see what any student with a particular set of GCSE grades is most likely to achieve in their A levels. We take that ‘most likely’ A level grade and then set the target at the grade above, because we want our students to do better than the average. GCSE grades are strong predictors of A level outcomes, but every individual is different. The target is neither a limit on ambition or a certainty and all students will need to work hard to achieve their goals. At first, we expect there to be a gap between the target grade and the grade that the student is working at, but that gap should close over time. |
Students who have a ‘working towards’ grade of a U or an E in any of their subjects, or Inconsistent or Unsatisfactory attitude to work grades, will meet with the relevant faculty leadership team following this report. This will ensure that students are supported to help them improve. If these grades and/or attitudes to learning continue to the end of the year, without improvement, further discussions will be held about next steps. For some students this will be additional support workshops or a change of programme and in some circumstances, additional monitoring throughout year 13 to ensure success in the final year of study. Students with a working towards grade of a U in 2 or more of their subjects at the end of year 12, may not be able to continue into year 13.