When subject assessment data is released on your Parent Portal you can log in to view your child’s performance and progress in their respective subjects. These can be found under ‘Progress’ on the side menu or alternatively you can scroll down on the main page to ’Overall Progress’.
Please note, the below screenshots are examples only. The subject assessment number and date range will change/differ depending on which college year your child is in.
Progression and attitude to learning grade:
The grade you will see in the coloured box is your child’s ‘progression’ grade (or what you will know as ‘working towards’ grade), and their attitude to learning grade. Clicking ‘View Details’ will offer more insight into the reasons behind these grades for your child.
Attitude to learning is graded as below:
Target grade
The target grade is an aspirational grade a student could achieve for a subject and is calculated using the grades they obtained in their GCSE results. It’s calculated using the A level grade achieved by other students with similar GCSE results, which is drawn from the results of students across many sixth forms.
Subject assessment grade 2023-25 (or 2024-26)
Subject assessment period grade, that is shown as a grade only, this is your child’s working at grade. This grade has been taken from formal assessment results undertaken as part of their programme of study.