
King Ed’s Careers Events

Each year, King Ed’s Careers host a number of cross-college events designed to better support each student’s exploration into their next steps.

The Careers Team at King Ed’s provide a wealth of support and information to students via online careers events as well as in-person talks/events. See below for more information.

Upcoming Events:

NATIONAL APPENTICESHIP WEEK 10th – 16th February 2025:

Take a look here at the full programme of talks and events for 2024-25

You can also view recordings from our previous careers events here or on our Careers YouTube channel!

Additionally, we are holding regular Careers Advice and Guidance drop-in sessions in the Careers Hub. Please take a look here at the dates and details! 

You can also see an overview of support on offer to both year 12 and 13 student in our KE Careers Programme 2024/25 and our KE Careers Programme webpage.

Support the College

King Ed’s is always seeking delegates who are willing to represent their vocation, industry or company either as part of college events or on a more bespoke individual basis. If you would consider supporting the college, either by inputting into an event as a delegate, or delivering talks to our students, please contact the careers team, we’d welcome your support. Please email to register your interest.