If you wish to report a safeguarding concern about yourself, or another student, please speak to your Personal Tutor, Lead Tutor, a member of the safeguarding team or any member of staff. Alternatively, you can email safeguarding@kedst.ac.uk
If you do not wish to give your name but still report an incident, you can use our anonymous reporting tool. Research has shown that having the facility to report anonymously is an important part of listening to students, building trust and a significant step in removing the barriers which prevent people from sharing concerns.
This tool can be used to report bullying, harassment, violence, discrimination and other issues both inside or outside of college.
Many people, after initially wishing to remain anonymous when reporting a safeguarding concern, actually go on to seek support in person. You do have the option to include your name if you wish to be contacted and offered support. If you do not wish to leave your name, simply put ‘Anon’ in the relevant box.
The link to the form is below: