
Use the left hand side menu for more information on exams.

Key information for exams and assessments

An important part of being ready for the exams is knowing the rules. The following list gives the most important things that students need to be aware of:

  • Exams can only be sat on the published date and time unless there is a clash between exams – there are no contingency arrangements
  • Morning exams start at 9.00 am and afternoon exams at 1.30 pm unless otherwise informed
  • Students should arrive at their exam room no later than 20 minutes before the start of an exam
  • Students must wear their lanyard as proof of identification to sit the exam
  • No electronic devices or wristwatches are allowed. These can be placed in a wallet on the exam desk which will be stored for the duration of the exam. This includes airpods/earbuds and ear phones.
  • Being found with an electronic device or notes of any description will be reported to the examination board and will likely lead to disqualification
  • Students must sit in the allocated seat and room indicated on their timetable
  • Only black pens are allowed for writing – pencils may be used for diagrams
  • No pencil cases (unless clear) or calculator cases are allowed. Rulers should be transparent.
  • Students must provide their own calculator and are responsible for making sure that it meets the exam requirements. Exam mode should be activated.
  • No food is allowed and the only drink permitted is water in a transparent bottle with any labels removed.
  • No hats or caps are allowed and hoods must be down. Ears must be clearly visible.
  • Any student whose timetable shows a required supervised lunch, must bring all food, drink and paper based revision materials for the whole day.
  • Any student who knows they are going to be absent or late, must ring 01384 398121 to notify the Exams Team directly. Emailing attendance, personal tutors or teachers is not sufficient