A Level Results Day – Thursday 15 August 2024

A Level Results Day guidance

Results will be made available via your student portal from 8.00 am on Thursday 15 August.
You will be able to obtain physical copies of your results from Hayley Hall between 10.00 am – 12.00 pm.

Anyone collecting on behalf of a student will need to bring a letter of authorisation and their own ID.

Come along, celebrate your accomplishments, and make some lasting memories!

Join us in Chambers between 10.00 am – 12.00 pm where you can :

🎉Share your achievements with classmates
📷Enjoy photo opportunities to commemorate your success
🍬Enjoy sweet treats as a token of our pride in your hard work

We look forward to seeing you there!

Book return

If you still have a library book or a textbook from your subject, please could you remember to return this when you come in to collect your results. You can hand your items in at the main reception desk. Any unreturned books will result in a fine.


Post results support and services

What do I do if my grades were not what I expected?

We strongly encourage any student in this situation to attend a one-to-one counselling appointment with a member of our post-results counselling team, who will be available onsite on Thursday 15 August and Friday 16 August from 8.00 am – 4.00 pm.

To arrange a one-to-one appointment please visit the college reception on results day or email

Young Minds have some great tips in case exam results are not what people were hoping for.  Click here for the guidance.

To help navigate and support students through their exam results (both A level and GCSE), the West Midlands Combined Authority (WCMA) have created ‘The Post-Exam Survival Guide‘ for students and parents. They also have upcoming events for college leavers and young people. Local event details can be found on the below links:

Dudley – 22 & 28 Aug

Sandwell Careers Fair – 9 September

Birmingham Careers Fair – 11 Oct

What support is available on site on the day?

Our Exams Team and Faculty Directors will be on hand to help you analyse your results and to offer advice on the full range of post-results services, such as how you can request your script back, get a clerical check or even ask for a review of marking.

The Careers Team and Lead Tutors will be available to discuss progression to your next steps, especially if you have missed the grades you require to access your preferred choice. They will be able to offer support with UCAS Clearing services and advise on employment and apprenticeship opportunities too.

If you chose not to make a university application in Year 13 but would now like to, there will be staff onsite who can assist you with this.

If you need support with your progression plans and you are unable to visit campus, please email:

What do I do if I need UCAS and clearing on the day?

✅ Make sure you’re available on results day because UCAS can’t speak to anyone else about your application details unless you give them nominated access to speak on your behalf.

✅The secret to navigating results day is to come armed and ready so check out the UCAS Ultimate Guide to Results day before hand! You may also want to check out this UCAS Results Day check list to prepare for the possibility of needing to enter Clearing.

Times to note:

8.00 am       

Students can access Track on UCAS to check if they have been accepted to their university choices.
Students can also access their results on the college portal.

If you are unplaced you can find advice for what to do next here: UCAS Ultimate Guide – Making the most of Clearing.

  1.00 pm

Eligible applicants can add a Clearing choice in Track

What do I do if I no longer wish to take my first choice place?

From 5 July, if you are holding a firm unconditional place, you can release yourself into Clearing, by using the ‘Decline your place’ button in your application.

⚠️ You should only use this button if you are sure you no longer wish to take up your place at your firm choice, and you have spoken to your university or college and/or an adviser here at college.

I would like to remain at the same university or college but I want to swap my course, what do I do?

First you need to contact the university or college to see if spaces are available on the course you would like to study – this will differ from provider to provider, but will also depend on whether the course you’re looking to change to is similar or a completely different area, as you’ll have to consider things like entry requirements.

Once you know you’ll be able to switch, you’ll need to use the ‘Decline my place’ button in your application, which will release you from your current firm offer so you can add your new choice.

⚠️  If you use the ‘Decline my place’ button and complete the steps, your place will be declined instantly. It is therefore essential that you make sure you have checked everything is ok with your new course before doing this as UCAS are unable to undo this action once you have clicked the ‘Decline my place’ button.

Is there more information on clearing, I am still confused?

Click here for tips on clearing and alternatives to university

Alternatively, email

Can I have more information on post results services such as clerical checks, reviews of marking and the return of scripts?

Service 1 – Clerical Check

A check of all clerical procedures which led to the issuing of a result.

Closing date: Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 2.00pm

Service 2 – Review of Marking

This includes a clerical check.This is a post-result review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly. It is not a re-marking of the script. You may order a copy of the script at the same time (at extra cost). If your university entry in September depends upon the outcome of a review of marking, you can pay extra to have a priority review which is actioned quicker.

Closing dates:

Service 2P Priority Review of Marking: Wednesday 21st August 2024 at 2.00pm. Exam board timeframe for an outcome of a review is 15 days.

Service 2 Review of Marking: Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 2.00pm. Exam board timeframe for an outcome of a review is 20 days.

Return of Scripts – Service ATS

Access to scripts – These are available from all boards at a cost of £10.00 per script. If you suspect that your script has been undermarked, you may obtain an electronic copy. Based on the advice of your tutor you would then still have the option of asking for a Review of Marking.

Closing date: Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 2.00pm

For specific fees and an application form for any of the above services please download your personalised form via the ‘Documents’ section on your student Portal and return the completed form to You will then be sent a payment link to make payment by card. Please note that all requests and payment MUST be received by the Exams Office no later than the above deadlines as the Exam Boards will not process requests after these dates.

You should seek advice from your subject tutor before making a decision. Whatever advice you may receive, if you decide to seek a check or review of marking you must accept responsibility for the outcome. You are asked to sign on the application form to show your consent to this. This service is not available to internally assessed and externally moderated components, eg coursework, including all Art and Design units. There was an opportunity to request a review for these units earlier in the year.

Office hours during the holiday period 

Thursday 15 August 8.15am – 4.00 pm
Friday 16 August 9.00 am – 3.00 pm
Monday 19 August onwards 9.30am – 2.30pm
Monday 26th August Bank Holiday – College Closed