Student Union

Student Union

Here at King Edward’s, the Student Union is a massive part of the college community and plays an important role in making sure the student voice is heard.

The committee is made up of a number of elected representatives from the student body who have run full campaigns to win votes; through this, it allows ideas and events to be brought into greater discussion so every member of our college community can have their say on what they want to see within their college. In itself, it is made up of year 13 students who sit for their term on the executive board.

As well as this team, part way into the new academic year, year 12 students are invited to run their campaigns to be elected as that year’s ‘Shadow Student Union’, the representatives who will take up full office the following year. The elected candidates each have an area of college life they specialise in from charity events to student voice and by meeting regularly, the SU organise events for the whole of the student body. They also meet with senior leaders within college to pass back ideas from the student community and use the Student Union budget – raised by ourselves – to put together extra-curricular occasions, events and additions to the college site.

The SU therefore represents the voice of the student; so whatever your idea, bring it forward and let us help you to get it heard!

Follow us on Instagram @kedst_su

Outgoing Chair – Thea

‘I ran for chair of the student union to drive for positive change and create a community where everyone feels heard and empowered. Our close-knit SU has achieved so much, from changes around college to creating fun interactive events for everyone to enjoy. Being in the SU made me feel like I had a purpose and improved my confidence greatly.’