Student Voice

Student Voice

Welcome from our Student Engagement Co-ordinator – Make your voice heard at King Ed’s!

At King Ed’s we really value student voice and if you would like to get involved there are two great places to start.

One is to follow the student union on Instagram (@kedst_su) and the other is to become a PT representative. Elected in year 12 before the end of the first term, PT reps are the voice of their peers in their PT group and they have an important job in gathering student opinions about a range of issues.

We then share these ideas with a nominated student union contact. The student union is a pro-active group who are here to serve you by making your experience at King Ed’s as enjoyable and as worthwhile as possible.

The student union produce a blog and regular bulletins which are sent out via email – remember to have a read and also contact us if you would like something published in the blog or the bulletin.  Remember the student union represents you!

Every year you will be asked to do surveys and questionnaires about your student experience; please take that opportunity to share your thoughts. We want to know how you really feel –  if you don’t share, we can’t improve.

If you would like to know anything else about student voice at King Eds, please contact the student union –, we look forward to hearing from you soon!